About 4 years ago I met the man of my dreams, and honestly, I wasn’t even looking for someone new. I was just having fun, following my passions, and speaking honestly and openly about what I wanted.

You want to know the most surprising thing about it though? There was absolutely no question in my mind that he was (is) the right relationship for me.

Now, typically I analyze things to death, so maybe it’s not surprising to you, but I have a tendency to overcomplicate almost everything in life. It’s often better if I just shut my mind off before I get too crazy or otherwise get myself into trouble.

Maybe that’s the secret! Fall so deeply into love that you are dumbstruck, and then you won’t have to worry about your mind messing it all up!

Well, I’m sure you realize that I did go through a series of hesitations, wondering if this would all work out. The point is, I kept on coming to the same conclusion. This person is right for me. No question about it.

Here’s the lesson

What I realized in the four years since is that when I continue to deepen my relationship with MYSELF, other people deepen their relationship with me. As I know myself, other people know ME. When I can stand straight up and shout to the rooftops MY truth, the universe will shout it right back at me.

Wanna know how I did it? Come to the first of our exciting series of events called Finding the ‘ONE’ at Temple I Am on March 31st to find out.

>>>Click here to take the leap.<<<