How’s your relationship with the elements? Cultivating a relationship with the elemental world is not only an essential step of the hero’s journey, but it’s also incredibly accessible. It doesn’t take much time, space or energy to establish a conversation with the elements. Trust me when I say that it’s worthwhile to do so! We’re going to explore some lightweight ways to connect with the elements, so you can feel empowered to start building a connection if you don’t already have one.

Maybe you’re wondering why it’s important to do this. Essentially, these elements (i.e. fire, air, water and earth) are the composite materials of all life on the planet. In different combinations and manifestations, these elements dance together in the material plane. When we devote ourselves to the cultivation of a relationship with these elements, the world of Creation becomes that much easier to interact with Consider it like linguistic aptitude within the language of life.
Below is a simple guide to how one can connect with each of the elements; see what lands with you and leave the rest behind!

Finding Fire

There is a transformational quality to the element of fire. Connecting with this energy can open doors of deep transmutation and liberation. How to get started? It’s simple. Get some candles and matches. Create a moment in your day or evening, when you decide it’s time to commune with the spirit of the fire. Lighting a candle with an intention that feels true for you, devote some time to meditating on the flame. Blinking when necessary, and allowing your breath to be easy, let the flame be the object of your attention.Keep your intention present in the foreground of your experience, and continue to orient yourself to the present moment.

If and when you feel complete, thank the fire and snuff the flame. Simple ways to elaborate on this connection exercise include sourcing a colored candle that feels specific for your intention, placing a prayer or written intention on a piece of paper beneath the candle, or articulating your intention to the fire itself, with your voice.

Actuating Air

In order to really amplify the role that air plays in your life, there are many different paths to explore. Let’s consider some of the easiest and most available ways to connect with the energy of Air. Firstly, with every breath we take, we are communing with air. Why not make this a conscious experience? Incorporating moments of mindful breath can make a huge difference in one’s life. Not only are you attuning your biological, neurological and emotional landscapes with a few long, deep breaths, but you can affect your relationship with the element, if you so choose. How, you may ask? Simply by being mindful of it. Pausing for some conscious breaths can open us to our relationship to air that we may be taking for granted.
Another way to connect with the energy of air is to light some incense, burn some sage or spray some essential oils in a water dilution. These shifts in the air can help us to calibrate our relationship as we continue to strengthen our awareness of the elements around us. As with all things, doing this mindfully and with awareness can amplify its impact.

Welcoming Water

Connecting with water is, in essence, connecting with self. We are composed mostly of water, so when we connect with the element of water, we are engaging in a conversation with a large proportion of our physical form. Incorporating practices that can strengthen our relationship to water are incredibly important, and can have big ripple effects in our lives.

The first way we can connect with the energy of water is when we hydrate our bodies. Blessing the water we drink, we can acknowledge its role as the pure source of all life. This could look like a very simple acknowledgement while pouring your water, or taking a satiating sip.
Another way to connect with the energy of water could be when you’re cleansing. Either while washing your face or taking a shower, encourage yourself to have a moment of acknowledgement to the element itself. Becoming keenly aware of how much we rely on water, and giving proper thanks, can open many doors for us.

Empathizing with Earth

This incredible planet is our home for now. There is no planet B. It’s therefore crucial that we integrate practices that strengthen our connection to the element of Earth. This could look like soil, stones, plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables. Perhaps you have access to a natural landscape, whether it’s a public park or your backyard. Committing ourselves to a moment of communion with the element of Earth can leave us feeling more grounded and secure. When we are mindful of the land upon which we walk, our path becomes easier to navigate. So, consider this your invitation to acknowledge the land you’re living on! Perhaps it could look like doing some research about the First Nations of whatever land you’re on. Maybe it’s a playful mandala you can make with leaves and stones, sticks and found objects in nature.
However you decide to commune with the energy of Earth, have fun with it. Mother Nature revels in our joy.

Alright, so there you have it. Hopefully you’re feeling equipped with some simple ways to connect to the elements. Doing so can connect you deeper with yourself, and the reality in which you operate. Enjoy the ride, friends!