Spirit in Transition presents DNA Life Activation Discussion

The experience of not reaching our potential, whether it be potential energy level and productivity during the workday, not feeling as if we have made enough progress on our dreams or even the potential of how functional we are in our relationships can result in us feeling like something is holding us back.

At times we may seek the answer as to why this is, and at other times we may bury our heads in the sand watching Netflix or escaping into work to avoid having to look at or sit with uncomfortable feelings. Self-doubt and false beliefs take hold and we allow them to steer our ship creating negative emotional states that impact our DNA.

Science now recognizes DNA not just as a sugar base, phosphates, and a sequencing of nucleotides, but also as a frequency off which your body designs its cells and replicates itself. After birth, science believes the only way to reprogram your DNA is through emotional states. As you might have guessed, positive emotional states yield favorable outcomes like health, resilience, and passion. Negative emotional states yield unfavorable outcomes like a weak immune system, lower energy levels, and a shorter life span.

There are ways of discovering and eliminating the source of false beliefs that result in self-healing rather than giving all of our focus and attention to the symptoms, which leads to more symptoms. A step towards shining more light into these potentialities is activating our DNA. DNA activation awakens in us our power to dream, to experience joy, to heal our false beliefs and to clearly see which ordinary actions will take us towards making our dreams a reality.

What are limiting beliefs?

Limiting beliefs sound sort of like negative mantras. This is the stuff poor self-talk is made of. This internal dialogue can seem never-ending because it is hard to shut off. Some examples are:

I am a loser.

Nobody cares.

Dad loves my sister more than me.

If I feel my feelings something bad will happen.

I am not safe when I am happy or relaxed.

I am not worthy of love.

I am ugly.

How do limiting beliefs block us?

The presence of these beliefs tell us stories that develop into routines or patterns. They may show up in all areas of our lives and in our subconscious through our family, thought, karma and genetics. They may materialize emotionally as avoidance techniques, denial and fear.

Many of us reach outside of ourselves to get our limiting beliefs solved. We think that if we find the perfect mate to treat us right and tell us how beautiful we look then we will no longer have body image issues. We think that if we become workaholics or gymaholics we’ll finally reach the goal of having a perfect body or enough money and then we will suddenly accept ourselves for who we are, become lovable and feel relaxed, content and whole.

A Path to Healing

Health, wealth and relaxation are found by working with the programming inherited by our DNA to clear limiting beliefs and emotional wounds. It is the blueprint for our life purpose and divine potential and it is the design of who we are as vibrant, lovable Divine beings.

The purpose behind activating the DNA is to evolve our consciousness toward the Adam Kadmon Body of Light. This body of light is part of the energetic structure within and around the human body. It is our connection with the divine that allows us to experience divinity here on Earth. Activating it allows us to manifest our spiritual gifts and alchemically transform our physical body into a body of Light.

DNA Activation is a technique that has been used for the last three thousand years within the secret mystery schools. It is a rite of passage to activate priests/priestesses and healers so they can serve from a heightened state of consciousness and empowerment to a degree not ordinarily reached by human beings. At times, it seems god-like powers are needed to shift our world towards peace, love, and connection. Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed were all role models in this regard. Jesus, an initiate into the mysteries knew this when he said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12-14)

Schedule your DNA Life Activation today!


Discussion: Upgrade your Energy Body with a DNA Activation

Join us for an upcoming DNA Life Activation discussion to learn more about this exciting technique and why hundreds of people each year are taught how to deliver this session to their clients.

The next discussion will be held on Tuesday, September 12th, 2023 @ 7pm ET/4pm PST

This discussion is taking place virtually. Click the following link to register: https://templemedicine.as.me/community-events

Find all of our upcoming events here: Calendar.SpiritinTransition.com

We will discuss how DNA activation does the following:

  • Gives you more energy and clarity
  • Nourishes your vitality
  • Reveals your unconscious patterns
  • Strengthens the connection with your Higher Self and the Divine